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Prostitution in Dubai

Hi, Sunil here to talk about prostitution in Dubai

It is unthinkable to many that prostitution can exist in a place like Dubai where Islam is the predominant religion and where laws are very strict.

The truth is, prostitution in Dubai has existed for some time now and is rapidly growing as the city is visited by more and more tourists every year.

Yes, welcome to reality.

It does happen in Dubai and it happens a lot.

The sad thing is that prostitution is illegal on paper.

But practically speaking, it is commonly engaged in all over Dubai. There are so many places that are just flooded with prostitutes that are so obvious and yet ignored by the law officials.

Anyone can identify a prostitute in Dubai from miles away. In fact there are so many designated areas where you can find them anytime you go. Ant the most ironic thing is that the government blocks certain TV channels and Internet sites because of “offensive” material but yet you can just go out of your apartment and find 10 prostitutes right down the road from you.

I have seen prostitute centers right next to Mosques. How unbelievable is that? For you it may be but for the local Dubai resident it is part of daily life. It has become a norm in Dubai and it is quite acceptable.

The Alleged History of Prostitution

You will never hear this published anywhere (or not even discussed as much) but this is the kind of information we are thriving to get to you so that you know become aware of the objective facts and truth about Dubai.

The history behind the prostitution problem in Dubai stems back a just over a decade or so. It is an unspoken and unpublished truth and understanding amongst many that prostitution in Dubai became a regular occurrence once the expat population started to grow rapidly.

There were many cases of local Arabs kidnapping the wives of expat men who came to Dubai for work. The women were raped and returned back. And because Dubai is a Sheikdom and not a democracy, the laws of the Emirate were (and still are) monopolized and designed to favor the local National (citizen). Yes, they can pretty much do anything they want and get away with it.

This caused a lot of anger and frustration amongst the expat population and many started to leave Dubai. Dubai couldn’t afford this because it had a big need for labor. The local Dubai population is not very big. As I write this discussion in 2008, only 17% or so of Dubai is comprised of the local Nationals.

Prostitution is a huge problem in Dubai

Prostitute Trafficking

Dubai knew it had to keep the workers in the Emirate. In an effort to do this, Dubai started engaging in prostitute trafficking. Basically importing women from Ukraine, Russia, China, Philippines and other countries, exploiting and forcing them to become prostitutes.

There have been many published cases of prostitute abuse in Dubai. Just search online and you will find a ton of cases. But rarely do websites talk about the who, what, why and when. That is why we are here!

By bringing in women from outside, Dubai created a flood of “prostitutes” that kept the local men entertained. Money has never been an issue for the local Nationals. By accepting prostitution as part of Dubai culture, Dubai made sure both the men and the prostitutes were benefiting from the deal.

And as the expatriate population grew, expat men started engaging in hiring prostitutes as well. Dubai is full on young single men who have well paying corporate jobs. These men are frequent visitors of prostitute houses.

As Dubai has become a hot spot for tourism, many tourists (men particularly) choose Dubai as a vacation spot mainly because of the open prostitution. Dubai is seen as a “sex heaven” much like places like the Philippines and Morocco.

So while it may come as a surprise to you to experience this sight first hand for the first time, don’t be surprised. Prostitution has become a part of Dubai culture (especially nightlife) and the law enforcement officials are sure to turn their eyes away from it anytime they see it.

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